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New research suggests there might be a "symmetry deficit disorder" in today's built environments, with significant impacts on health, well-being, and even sustainability.

ABOVE: Two environments in London. Left: Seven Dials, dating from the 17th century. Right: a typical office complex from the 20th century. These environments can be better understood as geometric structures manifesting different degrees and kinds of symmetry. | Left: John Sutton via Wikimedia Commons. Right: Michael Mehaffy

NOTE: The post below is a discussion topic for the upcoming 61st International Making Cities Livable in Cortona, Italy, October 29-November 1, 2024. More information:

Among the many factors influencing health and well-being, the environment might be the least appreciated—but in many ways, it's one of the most important. Intriguing new research is indicating that, within human environments, the mathematical property of symmetry plays an outsized role.

The relationship between mathematics and architecture is an ancient one, and the topic of symmetry has long been central to both. But the "symmetry" described by classical writers like Vitruvius and Alberti was not limited to the idea of mirroring two sides, as is commonly (and superficially) thought. Rather, symmetry was a much deeper concept, covering many other complex kinds of geometrical relationships. What was important was that there was some kind of measurable correspondence, some syn + metro, or "same measurement," among the parts as they formed a whole.

Symmetry continues to be a central concept in the sciences today, with important applications to the built environment—as our own recent research has documented. Exciting new developments in mathematics, environmental psychology, neuroscience, and other fields are transforming the scientific understanding of the essential role of symmetry in human experience, and where it goes wrong (and right too). Perhaps surprising—and most important—is an emerging understanding of the key role these characteristics seem to play in human health and well-being.

The field of architecture, for all its aspirations to cutting-edge modernity, has so far been notably backward in applying these insights. Instead, the applications of symmetry, where they exist at all, are mostly confined to superficial explorations of ever more extravagant new aesthetic packaging over what are still relatively primitive object-buildings. The lessons for public space networks, and for healthier human environments more broadly, are largely ignored.

One of the fundamental questions lost in this fashionable mix of art and technology is the ancient topic of beauty, one of Vitruvius' famous triad of essential architectural components (which he termed "venustas"). Few people today deny the great beauty of many historic and traditional buildings. We often marvel at the incredible diversity of these beautiful structures across innumerable geographic locations, cultures, and periods. Indeed, some wonder why so many buildings of our time seem so inferior—let's face it, so much uglier—by comparison.

It's common to assume that this loss is just the price of progress. Perhaps the "beauty" of the built environment nowadays (if we can even agree on what that is) exists only in the powerful, machine-like logic of buildings, their daring structural innovations, or the clever abstract expressions of their designers. Perhaps the current era pays for its modern conveniences by relegating the experience of "beauty" to the status of a dispensable consumer good.

This is a common view of things—but new research shows that it's simply not true. Semir Zeki, a neurobiologist at University College London, has surveyed neurological research, including his own team's, and concluded that the experience of beauty in the environment "is not a luxury, but an essential ingredient in nourishing the emotional brain." Research in other fields reveals that experiencing places that are perceived as beautiful (including "biophilic" places with natural vegetation, for example) actually lowers stress in the body, improves health and well-being, and even (as one famous study showed) shortens recovery times from surgery!

ABOVE: Common types of symmetry that are widely perceived as beautiful, in (left) a child's kaleidoscope (using pieces of shell that also include sub-symmetries), a "fractal" pattern generated mathematically on a computer (center), and the natural environment of Bryce Canyon in Utah (right). These beautiful structures typically combine different forms of symmetry, such as reflectional, rotational, translational, and scaling symmetries (including fractals).  Image credits: Left, Pixabay (public domain); center, Pixabay (public domain); right, Michael Mehaffy.

These and other studies unveil a surprisingly strong relationship between aesthetics, well-being, and health. Findings in environmental psychology, neuroscience, medical science, and related fields are pointing to a profound (if under-appreciated) effect of environmental structures–including their aesthetic properties–upon our health and quality of life, along with other more obvious factors. These findings seem all the more important for those who are already more vulnerable, including children, the elderly, and the poor.

The research also disproves the simplistic modern assumption that the experience of beauty is just a subjective phenomenon—merely "in the eye of the beholder." While there can be great variation among people as to some of what they find beautiful, there are also broad areas of commonality. For example, many geometric characteristics of natural environments and of the human body (like the symmetry of faces) are almost universally considered beautiful. This universality is anchored in shared biological roots, and in the shared ways that we react to certain kinds of structures, according to Zeki: "mathematical principles of symmetry, harmony, and proportion...are part of the cognitive apparatus of all brains."

This is true not only of natural environments and beautiful "biophilic" vegetation, as Zeki notes, but built structures too: "What universality architectural beauty may possess probably lies in satisfying inherited brain concepts of proportion, harmony and geometric relationships that are more formally expressed in mathematical terms." In other words, there are discernible geometric properties in surroundings that most people unconsciously find beautiful, and those properties are also conducive to physical well-being and quality of life. That's a finding with potentially momentous implications.

Environmental designers surely have a professional responsibility to avoid harm to users, and indeed, to actively promote their well-being. The question is not whether there is a place for artistic creativity, novelty, and individual expression—surely there is—but rather, how designers can anchor this creativity within a common framework of sharable characteristics that are most likely to produce physiological benefits for users. It is the business of science to provide exactly that kind of knowledge for built environment professions–just as the practice of medicine relies on the health sciences, for example.

What science reveals is that nature has shaped unconscious preferences so that humans are instinctively drawn toward conditions most beneficial to health and well-being. When we are forced into "ugly" or stressful environments (as revealed by medical measurements), it creates much more than superficial annoyance. The task for designers, then, is to start with those documented factors that will best promote the health and well-being of users, and then explore the infinite possible varieties of expression using those factors.

When it comes to identifying these "salutogenic" (health-giving) factors, our own work on environmental symmetry has yielded fruitful results. Once again, we are referring here to "symmetry" in the broader mathematician's sense, as a kind of structural correspondence between parts. In addition to the familiar mirror symmetry, we can add translational symmetry (where patterns are replicated), scaling symmetry (where patterns recur at different scales, as in fractals), rotational symmetry (as in the iris of an eye), and other combinations.

ABOVE: Examples of different kinds of symmetry in nature, and in human architectures. Top row: reflectional or mirror (tiger), rotational (Sun), translational (ducklings), and scaling (fern). Bottom row: reflectional (Classical building), rotational (stained glass), translational (Islamic tilework) and scaling (Alhambra). Image credits: Top row, left: S Taheri via Wikimedia Commons; center left: public domain (via Pixabay); center right, public domain (via Maxpixel); right, public domain (via Free Nature Stock). Bottom row, left: Ryan Kaldari via Wikimedia Commons; center left, Thomas Ledi via Wikimedia Commons; center right, public domain (via Pixabay); right, public domain (via Pixabay).

In most natural environments, the different forms of symmetry occur together and in combinations with others. Our work and others' has found that this compound symmetry has a particularly strong association with the experience of beauty. When these compound symmetries contain high levels of interrelatedness, as is evident in many natural structures, we refer to this as "deep symmetry." (One could say that there is a "symmetry of symmetries" in these structures.) Such structures (including built environments) have many layers of symmetrical sub-structures built up into a very complex interrelated whole.

"Deep symmetry" also interrelates specific objects with their surroundings, and to us as viewers too. This deep symmetry extends mathematically to the larger scale of urban spaces, neighborhoods, and city regions (and ultimately to the Earth, and even the Cosmos). This new understanding of the symmetrical relatedness of buildings and cities rejoins the sadly separated disciplines of architecture, urban design, and planning, within a larger natural framework.

The human body as a whole incorporates such "deep symmetry"—especially so in bodies universally regarded as particularly beautiful—as do many natural environments. This kind of structure can be contrasted with what we might think of as "shallow symmetries"—merely pasted together symmetrical structures that do not interrelate. By contrast, many contemporary designs exhibit shallow symmetries (like the endlessly repeated window units in the example at the top right of this article).

ABOVE: Some examples of "deep symmetry," in the human body (left), in a natural environment (center) and in human architectures (right). In each case, multiple symmetries and distinct kinds of symmetries are combined and interrelated through further symmetries. In the sculpture of Michelangelo's David, the irises have rotational symmetry, the face has reflectional symmetry, the hair has scaling symmetry, and so on. The rotational symmetry of the sun in the middle is combined with the reflectional symmetry of the water and the translational symmetry of the repeating birds, and the scaling symmetry of the water patterns. Taktsang Monastery in Bhutan repeats translational groups with reflectional symmetry as well as elements with rotational symmetry, and elements with scalar symmetry, all in translational symmetry as they adjust to their positions over the rocks. Image credits: Left, George M. Groutas via Flickr; center, @Chiaralily via Flickr; Right: Douglas J. McLaughlin via Wikimedia Commons.

It's important to note that the mathematics of symmetry is not some mysterious occult realm of knowledge, or mystical set of secret formulas. In fact, it is widely comprehensible, and widely useful in practice (as Vitruvius, Alberti and other pioneers demonstrated). Indeed, as the cognitive scientists George Lakoff and Rafael Nuñez pointed out, mathematics itself is simply the symbolic manifestation of the human process of cognitively ordering the environment—that is, of modeling the symmetries of experience. (What we call a "formula" is nothing other than a mathematical symmetry between one side of an "equation" and the other.) The ability to model these symmetries of experience was the key to the evolutionary survival of humans, and, more recently in history, to the development of advanced language, mathematics, and science.

This symmetry-modeling is an example of our inherent order-seeking, meaning-seeking behavior. We are constantly striving to find "meaning" in the world—that is, to relate ourselves to experienced structures, to find patterns of coherence and consistency, and to replace informational disorder with a coherent understanding of our surroundings and ourselves within them. (We might call this view of things a "symmetric structuralism.") We evolved to instinctively seek this kind of meaning in environments, and it is reassuring and satisfying when we find it—whether in a formal and symbolic sense, or a more tacit and perceptual sense. Justifiably, we refer to this experience as "beautiful." (In a similar sense, mathematicians often describe certain formulas as "beautiful.") The unsurprising corollary is that environments in which we do not find this meaning—commonly called "ugly"—are stressful, and potentially harmful to well-being.

It turns out that the built environments that most people find most beautiful, including historic and traditional ones, possess this meaning-rich structure that we refer to as "deep symmetry." Importantly, there is also a strong (and not coincidental) correspondence with those environments that produce the most positive measurable effects upon well-being.

The architect Christopher Alexander set out to catalog the forms of this deep symmetry, referring to "fundamental properties" that we observe repeatedly in things that we experience as beautiful or full of life. He found that he could do it empirically with just 15 geometrical categories (Figure Four). Many of them correspond directly to forms of symmetry (e.g., "local symmetry," "levels of scale," "echoes", and so on). Others are more complex mixtures. Nonetheless, Alexander's work shows that it is possible to empirically map the geometric characteristics of deep symmetry –  and moreover, to find a surprisingly close congruence to the vast and diverse array of natural and historic human environments that possess it.

ABOVE: Alexander's "Fifteen Properties," found repeatedly in common natural structures, and human structures that we experience as beautiful and full of life. Image credit: Michael Mehaffy, from open sources under fair use.

What about the many contemporary environments that do not display this deep symmetry? They may have a very shallow or learned, cerebral form of symmetry, or a mere veneer of symmetry (like a thin product packaging). Research is beginning to reveal that this shallow symmetry is associated with environments that produce stress, and may contribute to illness, depression, and other disorders.

For example, Penacchio and Wilkins (2014) show that visual scenes that lack the scaling and other multiple symmetries found in natural environments "provoke discomfort, and even headaches and seizures in susceptible individuals." Le et al. (2016) confirm that "patterns with unnatural statistical properties are uncomfortable to look at … with consequences for brain metabolism, and possibly also for health."

The journalist Richard Louv coined the term "nature deficit disorder" to highlight research evidence he found documenting the negative impacts from lack of contact with natural environments and forms, especially for children. Now we can see an even broader phenomenon, and one that is closely related: we'll call it "symmetry deficit disorder." The deficit in the experience of deep symmetry in modern environments causes an actual disorder in human beings—that is, we identify a geometrical condition that can impair the function of the body and mind. The cause of both disorders is ultimately the same: people seem to have an innate need to connect with the biological structures, and their symmetries, that drove the evolution of humans.

How did this "symmetry deficit disorder" come to be so pervasive in contemporary times? Was something as serious as this accidental? After all, we noted earlier that places and periods throughout history produced beautiful buildings and environments with deep symmetry as a matter of routine—in spite of many other problems those societies faced.

As also noted earlier, some people think that society simply made a calculated trade in the modern era, sacrificing this ordinary—and older—environmental beauty based on deep symmetry for sanitation, medicine, technology, and the like. Very well, they say, we got more sterile, machine-like buildings, but they were orderly and functional, and occasionally costumed with imaginative artworks. What's wrong with that?

Too much, actually. It's not only that these environments are taking a documented toll on human health and well-being (by the evidence of data regularly emerging from the medical professions). They are, like the resource-guzzling technologies that made them, profoundly unsustainable (by the evidence of data coming from energy and resource use).

Once again, history offers important and humbling lessons. Consider the Pantheon in Rome, say, which has lasted 18 centuries, in large part because it has been treasured as beautiful by each of the 80 or so generations that kept and sustained it. Yet today we pat ourselves on the back for calling a building with a lifespan of 60 years "sustainable," and very many new buildings are demolished or fall into disuse after only 40 years or so.

ABOVE: On the left is the Pantheon in Rome, built 18 centuries ago, and exhibiting many forms of compound symmetry. On the right is a new "green" skyscraper, whose symmetries derive mostly from its veneer of plants. The underlying structure is a fairly ordinary stripped-down object-building, of the kind that has been fashionable since the early 20th century. It is common for such buildings to be demolished within a half-century or so. Image credits: Left, Evan Qu via Unsplash. Right, Victor Garcia via Unsplash.

A deeper level of unsustainability is caused by the disordered processes that disrupt ecologies, resource bases, and, no less, the human quality of life. In that sense, the mathematical ugliness of the built environment is a manifestation (and a warning indicator) of deeper dysfunctions, and deeper asymmetries. This problem cannot be dismissed as "merely" an aesthetic one. The remedies, therefore, must be more than aesthetic—they must dig at the core of the processes that generate these ugly places, as well as the ugly products themselves. Process and product are inseparable.

Chief among these processes are the economic and cultural valuations of consumption, disposability, and novelty. Most people already recognize (or suspect) that our cultural and technological systems do not rest on a durable footing. As we have written about before, one way to address that shortcoming is to reform the runaway economies of scale and standardization, which are proving so destructive. While there is a useful role for these economies—in nature and in human systems too—there is also an essential, and largely missing, need to temper them with economies of place and differentiation. Rebalancing systems in this way is essential to the transition from an unsustainable "depletion economy," to a more sustainable, regenerative, "repletion economy."

Similarly, while we can welcome visual novelty and excitement in human environments, durability, profoundness, and deep symmetry play a much more essential role. The latter qualities maintain the human race on a viable evolutionary trajectory, whereas their neglect or suppression could trigger catastrophic consequences. Unfortunately, contemporary systems of production over-value the shallow appeal of the new and exciting, with the consequence that there is a "race to the bottom" to build ever cheaper, ever more disposable, but ever more superficially exciting, environments lacking deep symmetry altogether.

Architects have become complicit in this auto-destructive system, for fateful reasons. At the turn of the 20th century, architects signed up to support the unbridled industrialization of the human environment (and its unsustainable development, and ultimately its dehumanization). Fatefully, they became essentially a marketing arm for this unsustainable economic transformation. Rhapsodic theorists from great universities legitimized the cachet of a novel type of fine art, by eulogizing its allure, thus providing compelling packaging for this new—and toxic—industrial product.

Ironically, it is not altogether easy for architects themselves to see this. (We say this as researchers and teachers of architecture ourselves.) Through a process we have previously called "architectural myopia," architects—like other professionals—have their own lenses through which they see the world and their work. For example, the research literature repeatedly documents that architects have fundamentally different judgments from common people as to what constitutes a beautiful building.

For architects, a "good" building is more likely to be stripped down, dramatic, unadorned—an example of what we have previously termed "geometrical fundamentalism." From their cognitive perspective, this geometry seems most appropriate for contemporary times, with its focus on machinery and power. At the same time, they have a prevalent aversion for the ornate patterns of nature, and of historical design forms. Instead, trained architectural taste is consistent with an early 20th century fantasy of a "modern" future defined by that bygone era's stripped-down futuristic images.

The new research coming from social psychology, environmental psychology, and other fields, is helping us to understand what is going on—how those individuals who are removed from the flesh-and-blood reality of a situation must substitute their own "construals" for that reality, often with negative impacts on others. The lesson is that all of us see the world through our own cognitive biases, and with our own "bounded rationality"—sometimes with unintended consequences.

Architects (and other futurists) do experience beauty, just like everyone else. But as research shows, the beauty they experience largely ignores key attributes of the natural and physical world that all of us share—the structura naturalis as we refer to it (Latin for "natural structure"). Rather, they are much more focused upon the beauty of their own mental constructions (shared mostly among other architects)—what we refer to as structura mentis.

There is an essential place for both kinds of structure. After all, the beauty of literature and of other arts comes largely from the mental symmetries of structura mentis. This is the important domain of symbol, allegory, metaphor, and all the other rich capacities of literature and the arts.

But when it comes to the impacts of the actual physical environments where humans live their lives, specific geometries do matter, as the research shows. The health and well-being of users (and of the natural environments upon which we depend) must take priority over the individual prerogatives of artistic expression.

The new insights on symmetry in the built environment offer fertile ground for further development of practical tools and approaches. They cut through the meaningless "style wars," and transcend considerations of which kind of object-building we might like or dislike, or whether or not we are "modern" and "with it." Instead, they simply provide a growing body of evidence about why certain environmental characteristics are beneficial, and how we can create more of those beneficial environments. 

This comes at a particularly urgent time when the world is urbanizing at a historically unprecedented rate, with profound impacts upon future resource use, ecologies, and quality of life. Clearly, we cannot afford to remain mired in the same old "business as usual" patterns.  Professional responsibility and good citizenship demand that we recover the methods for enriching the symmetries of our human environments. As the new research shows, these places do have profound impacts upon us — and increasingly, it appears, upon our future.

ABOVE: A few more buildings that exhibit high degrees of compound and deep symmetry. Left, Santa Caterina del Sasso Monastery, Lake Maggiore, Italy; Center, Central Market, Valencia, Spain; right, Byodo-in Temple, Hawaii. Image credits: left, public domain (via Pixabay); center, @nosoylasonia via Photohere; right, @little_plant via Unsplash.

NOTE: A version of this article appeared previously in Planetizen.


Cities, and the nations that contain them, generate benefits from concentrations of talent—but also from “spreading it around.” Striking a balance (creating "polycentrism" at regional, national and global scales) results in more opportunity for all, and a more resilient and sustainable economy.

ABOVE, A nighttime photograph from space of the "polycentric" pattern of cities and towns across northern Europe, with relatively few large urban centers and a relative balance of small, medium and large urbanized areas. Photo: NASA

NOTE: This is a discussion post for the upcoming 61st International Making Cities Livable, titled "The Ecology of Place: Learning from Nature, Culture, and History," October 29-November 1, 2024. For more information:


In recent decades, many people have celebrated the power of urban "agglomeration benefits" - that is, the capacity of cities and towns to create economic dynamism, expanded life choices, opportunities for active living, and healthier, more resource-efficient lifestyles. This power is perhaps most obvious in the denser cores of cities, where people interact with each over across a wide spectrum of private and public spaces that are all connected to that ultimate public space system, the street. 

That celebration has included people like Edward Glaeser (author of Triumph of the City) and Richard Florida (author of The Rise of The Creative Class). In their own works they have described cities as powerful engines of creative social and economic development. They and others acknowledge a debt to the urbanist Jane Jacobs, who championed the humble sidewalk as an arena of human interaction, occasionally producing exchanges of information and “knowledge spillovers” that are surprisingly important for economic as well as social development. “Lowly, unpurposeful and random as they may appear,” said Jacobs, “sidewalk contacts are the small change from which a city's wealth of public life may grow.” We are learning that other kinds of wealth also grow from the network of seemingly-modest interactions in the city’s public spaces. 

But along the way to this very necessary “re-urbanism,” it seems that things have gotten terribly out of balance. The story is distressingly similar in many cities around the world. Newly popular city cores drew more people, pushing up prices, and driving out small businesses and lower-income residents. City leaders, alarmed at the trends, have tried to build their way out of the problems, on the theory that more supply will better match demand, and result in lower rents and home prices. But the efforts haven’t seemed to work— and even seemed to exacerbate the problems.

On top of the COVID pandemic, many city cores have also lost commercial and office users, resulting in what some have called an urban "doom loop" -- a decline in the vitality of the urban cores. In some ways, they're getting the worst of both worlds -- a loss of vitality, increasing issues with quality of life, AND residential prices that continue to soar.

Adding supply alone won't fix the problem. That's because cities aren’t simple machines, in which we can plug in one thing (say, a higher quantity of housing units) and automatically get out something else (say, lower housing costs). We can’t just “build, baby build” and solve our problems of affordability. Instead, cities are “dynamical systems,” prone to unintended consequences and unexpected feedback effects. It also matters where we build, and what we build -- and how we construct and finance it.

Unfortunately, we have been treating cities too much like machines -- but for a perhaps understandable reason. In an industrial age, that has been a profitable approach for many at the top, and over the last half century, it seemed to fuel the middle class too. More recently, we have begun to see very destructive results—creating lopsided cities of winners and losers, and large areas of urban (and rural) decline. Even government programs meant to address the problems have seemed at times like a game of “whack-a-mole”—say, building some social housing in one place, and seeing more affordability problems pop up in another.

In the years after World War II, and especially in the United States, the largest areas of decline were often in the inner cities, leaving the “losers” of the economy behind, while the “winners” (often wealthier whites) fled to the suburbs. But more recently it was the cores of large cities that became newly prosperous, attracting the winners of the “knowledge economy”— and displacing former long-time residents.

Meanwhile, the inner-tier suburban belts and the smaller cities and towns have suffered marked decline (but not the more prosperous outer suburbs). That has resulted in a predictable political backlash, notably from the resentment of these "left-behind places" that seems to be fueling the populist revolt of the so-called “white working class” in many countries across the world. In the larger cities, lower-income and minority populations have been relegated to more peripheral suburban locations, with limited opportunities for economic (and human) development. This gap in opportunity means a gap in the lower-end “rungs of the ladder” that are so essential for immigrants and others to advance. 

Like its Postwar counterpart of suburban growth, this more recent pattern of core gentrification and geographic inequality has also been an unintended result of conscious policies. This time we aimed to achieve not suburban expansion, but the urban benefits of knowledge-economy cities, and their capacities as creative engines of economic development. That is indeed a powerful force to harness. Clearly, however, we failed to recognize the need to temper this growth, and maintain a just balance of opportunity. 

Florida and Glaeser, to their credit, have both acknowledged some deep problems with their models. In a 2016 interview, Florida confessed, “I got wrong that the creative class could magically restore our cities ... I could not have anticipated among all this urban growth and revival there was a dark side to the urban creative revolution, a very deep dark side.” Glaeser also admitted, in a panel discussion with Florida in 2017, that recent years had seen a blowback from this re-urbanization, in the increasing segregation of winners and losers, and the political fallout that has resulted: “Let me agree that we are facing something of a crisis.”

Too much of a good thing?

The problem with the simple formula of densifying urban cores by concentrating the “creative class” can best be understood from the point of view of network theory, and especially, the theory of how people form economic networks in an urban setting. It’s possible to have too much of a good thing—to over-concentrate, and to rely too much on what are known in the theory as “rich club networks.” These are nodes of concentrated connection that are particularly well-connected, and that therefore offer access to concentrated resources—in this case, concentrations of talent and wealth. Just as in everyday life there is a great benefit to “who you know” and being on the inside of exclusive insider networks of knowledge, wealth and opportunity, “rich club networks” capitalize on similar concentrations of access within them. The trouble is, the benefits may not spill over to other areas outside of those networks.

As Luis Bettencourt of the University of Chicago points out, this network inequality can put a drag on the overall urban system, economically and socially. This is not only because of the costs in areas that are excluded, from problems like crime, policing, incarceration, social services and so on. It’s also a more basic effect of the dynamics of social networks, in what is known as “Metcalfe’s Law.” Networks—in cities or in other structures—benefit from the number of overall interconnected nodes, not just the advantages conferred by elite sub-clusters. 

As Bettencourt put it, “the view of cities in terms of social networks emphasizes the primary role of expanding connectivity per person and of social inclusion in order for cities to realize their full socioeconomic potential. In fact, cities that for a variety of reasons (violence, segregation, lack of adequate transportation) remain only incipiently connected will typically underperform economically compared to better mixing cities,” he said. “What these results emphasize is the need for social integration in huge metropolitan areas over their largest scales, not only at the local level, such as neighborhoods.” 

Put differently, urban equity and environmental justice are not just about fairness—they’re good for everyone’s bottom line. 

The goal of urban planning and policy, as Jane Jacobs pointed out, is to maintain an optimum of diversity, in incomes as well as other kinds—neither too many poor in one area, nor too many rich. Image by the author.

The idea that we should concentrate at the top of the pyramid has its counterpart in supply-side economic theory, which holds that if you promote the interests of those at the top who are creating supply (by giving them tax incentives and other forms of stimulus) they will generate wealth that will “trickle down” to everyone else. George Bush Sr. famously criticized this idea as “voodoo economics”—and yet it became a dominant force in the world’s economic development after 1980, including urban development. We can see now from network theory what the problem is. It is not that the network phenomenon isn’t real, but that it can get out of control. Cities do generate powerful benefits from concentrations of talent—but also from “spreading it around,” and we need to strike a balance between the two approaches. 

Perhaps the trouble with Glaeser’s triumphant city cores, and Florida’s creative class, was that they were too exclusive, too dependent on an isolated population of elite knowledge workers, and a limited secondary population that would mainly service their needs. We needed more than densification of cores with walkable, well-connected street grids and mixed use—as beneficial as those are; we needed a more “polycentric,” well-connected and diverse kind of city, geographically speaking too. 

In many cities today, it seems, we are seeing the consequences of this “voodoo urbanism” play out. It was thought that if we just take care of the creative class, the universities, the technology industries and their knowledge workforces, then the output of all that urban critical mass, like some kind of economic nuclear reactor, will generate immense wealth that will trickle down to all. This idea is so pervasively seductive that it has been embraced by those who might otherwise resist supply-side economic theory (like the officials in my own home town of Portland, Oregon). 

But once again we can turn to Jacobs for an early and prescient warning about the dangers of this approach. She warned against “money floods” which were no less destructive of good-quality and equitable urban development than “money droughts.” More fundamentally, she warned against “the self-destruction of diversity,” in any neighborhood that allows itself to tip over into monocultures of any kind—including monocultures of creatives, or Ph.D.s, or any other sort. Diversity of all kinds is an asset to be maintained, with careful tools and strategies—not only as a matter of social justice, but one of economic vitality too. Again, this is good for everyone’s bottom line.

This was Jacobs’ central argument: that the core task of city planning was to ensure the “generators of diversity:” of people and their numbers, of uses and activities, of pathways, of building ages and conditions—and of geographic locations. Instead of over-concentrating in the core, she suggested, we need a “polycentric” city, with lots of diverse pockets full of old as well as new buildings, and multiple opportunities waiting to be targeted. In such a region, economic growth—and likewise demand for housing—can be tempered and modulated to remain more even and equitable. We do have tools available to do that: funding incentives, catalytic tools, taxes to dampen speculation, and many others.

At the same time, it seems more important than ever to provide good urban fabric in the suburbs too, where increasing percentages of the population live (including increasing numbers of the displaced poor). “Good urban fabric” means walkable, mixed, transit-served, with expanding opportunities in older as well as newer buildings. It means the same kind of geographic as well as other kinds of diversity, achieved through conscious strategic actions to dampen, incentivize, catalyze, and use other kinds of tools.

In place of voodoo urbanism, we might call this “Goldilocks urbanism”—curating an urban growth that is not too hot and not too cold, nor not too concentrated in any one place. The former approach has done an effective job of destroying historic fabric, raising prices, fueling gentrification, and leaving our cities less sustainable and less equitable. It has also done an effective job making some people very wealthy in a short period. But we continue to follow their simplistic formulas at our cities’ peril. 


Please join us to discuss this and other topics at the 61st International Making Cities Livable, October 29-November 1, 2024, in beautiful Cortona, Italy:


A rich program and optional events are announced; topics include markets, local economies, placemaking, walkability, small town revitalization, new research in human factors for health, livability and sustainability, and much more; early discount registration ends September 30th

ABOVE: A partial roster of the 62 city leaders and scholars who will speak on a rich diversity of livability topics at the 61st International Making Cities Livable conference.

CORTONA, ITALY - Partners and participants in the 61st International Making Cities Livable (IMCL) conference will represent internationally leading NGO heads, researchers, practitioners, city officials, and implementers of landmark projects for livable cities. The conference, titled "The Ecology of Place: Learning from Nature, Culture, and History," will focus on critical challenges including urban resilience, climate-friendly planning, urban health and well-being, and sustainable urbanism. Specific topics will include walkability and bikability, transportation reform, public spaces and placemaking, climate-friendly planning, food quality and food equity, markets and viable local economies, cities for children, nature-based solutions, neuroscience and user experience, lessons of Italian hill towns, and much more.

Partners, sponsors and participants in the conference include The King's Foundation (UK), UN-Habitat, INTBAU, the Congress for the New Urbanism, the World Farmers' Markets Coalition, the US Embassy in Rome, PlacemakingUS, several universities, and our gracious hosts, the City of Cortona.

Speakers will include global leaders in livable and sustainable urbanism. Ben Bolgar, M.V.O., of the King's Foundation in London will speak about new research on walkability and health. David Brain, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate at the University of Notre Dame, will speak on "Place Networks by Design: Building a Civic Ecology of Place."  Kostas Mouratidis, Ph.D. of the University of Copenhagen will discuss fascinating and important new research on urban form, health and and well-being. Vikas Mehta, Ph.D. of the University of Cincinnati will speak on US policy on walkable public spaces and transportation, and report on his discussion on this topic with presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

Researchers will also discuss new research findings on urban health, well-being and user experience, and the implications for practice and policy. They will include Alexandros Lavdas, Ph.D., Senior Researcher at the Institute for Biomedicine, EURAC in Bolzano, Italy; Ann Sussman and Abigail Sekely of The Human Architecture and Planning Institute; and Cleo Valentine, researcher at the University of Cambridge, who will discuss new medical findings on the health impacts of architecture and urban form.

Other leaders of landmark projects in walkable, mixed-use, ecological developments will share their implementation lessons. Sara Bega, Town Architect of Las Catalinas, Costa Rica, will describe the detailed process of building a successful ecological development centered on healthy living and social cohesion. Liz Moule, a co-founder fo the COngress for the New Urbanism, and a principal of Moule & Polyzoides, will share lessons of Italian hill towns, and how they were applied to a number of iconic projects by their firm, including the seminal ecological model of Civano, Arizona. Jim Brainard, who served for 28 years as mayor of Carmel, Indiana, and Henry Mestetsky, Director of Redevelopment for the City, will describe the financial tools and strategies they used successfully, including tax increment finance, to achieve an instructive exemplar of suburban retrofit.

Other participants will describe inspiring new projects from around the world. Robert Krasser of The Pattern Institute, based in Salzburg, Austria, will describe a new bicycle pattern language developed for Zanzibar, Africa.Ayanda Roji of the City of Johannesburg and the Center on African Public Spaces will discuss pioneering work to improve public spaces in Africa and around the world. Representatives of the placemaking movement will speak on their global movement and its progress, including Ryan Smolar and Madeleine Spencer of PlacemakingUS.

Carmelo Troccoli, Director General of the World Farmers Markets Coalition, will discuss the burgeoning movement to build farmers' markets around the world, end food deserts, provide viable ways of life for rural economies, and improve food quality, food security, and public health. Laura Petrella, Head of Planning, Finance and Economy for UN-Habitat, will describe their recent work to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda, and the upcoming World Urban Forum in Cairo, Egypt.

Among the participants will be a number of leaders in the US-based New Urbanism movement. Robert Davis, Town Founder of the early and iconic Seaside, Florida, will speak on the lessons of that seminal 40-year project. He and his wife Daryl Davis founded Seaside Institute, whose mission is "inspiring livable communities" (a partner in the IMCL conference). The Institute’s three core tenets are "Sustainability, Connectivity, Adaptability—working together to expand the lessons of New Urbanism and develop new strategies for a rapidly changing world."

Seaside Institute will also conduct a tour of Pienza, Italy, following the conference, led by University of Notre Dame Professor David Mayernik as well as Robert Davis, Daryl Davis, and Seaside Institute Executive Director Christy Milliken.

Representatives of the City of Cortona, our gracious hosts, will describe their work to diversity the local economy in the wake of the COVID pandemic, and a declining resident population that is all too common in Italian towns -- and in rural towns around the world. A movement to provide for "left-behind citizens" is growing around the world -- and in an age of growing threats to urban well-being, and growing resentment translating into political movements, the issue could not be more important.

These and many other city leaders will share their lessons in a unique peer-to-peer gathering of international, interdisciplinary scholars, practitioners, officials and NGO heads. The IMCL conferences were begun in 1985 by a Viennese medical sociologist and a British architectural scholar. Henry and Suzanne Lennard were passionate about sharing the best international lessons to create a new generation of livable, durable, ecological cities, towns and suburbs.

Now, at a time of rising threats to urban and planetary well-being, the agenda of effective urban reform could not be more urgent. Please join us for an inspiring exploration of critical urban issues, in an instructive and beautiful locale.


NOTE: Discount registration ends September 30th. For more information or to register, please visit



Begun in 1985, the International Making Cities Livable (IMCL) conference series, hosted by the Lennard Institute for Livable Cities, has become a premier international gathering and resource platform for more livable, humane and ecological cities and towns. Our flagship conferences are held in beautiful and instructive cities hosted by visionary leaders able to share key lessons. We are a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation based in the USA, with alternating events and activities in Europe and other parts of the world.

Attendee comments about previous conferences:

“A wonderful conference.”
“It was brilliantly organized!”
“I left the conference encouraged - there are many challenges ahead of us,

but I am so invigorated by the tenacity of those stepping up to face them.”
“This is the best conference I've ever attended. There was much to take in;

so many people with exceptional experience.”

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