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Exploring user experience on improved non-motorised transport (NMT) infrastructure in Nairobi


Wambalaba, E. Akosa

Department of General Education and Department of Languages and Literature, United States

International University-Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.

Contact: or


Amwoi, Vincent

Kenya Alliance of Resident Associations (KARA), Kenya.




Objective: This study aimed to explore pedestrian experience on connectivity, mobility,

comfort, aesthetics, personal wellbeing and socio-economic engagement while using walkways.


Methods: An on street questionnaire was applied to collect the perceptions 30

pedestrians had on connectivity, mobility, safety, aesthetics, personal

wellbeing and  socio-economic engagement.


Results: In the aesthetics dimension over half of those interviewed (59.6%) agree (43.5%)

or strongly agree (16.1%) that there are few trees, flowers, benches for resting and too

much litter on walkways. A significant number of pedestrians (74.1%) agreed (45%) and

strongly agreed (29%) that noise pollution was present at unacceptable levels. However a

strong majority (77.4%) agreed or strongly agreed that walking decreased their stress

levels and increased their feelings of good health (80.7%). In terms of safety, the speed

of cars, walking at night  and crossing at roads junctions were perceived as safety concerns.

Connectivity received majority agreement, except for mobility which was slowed down by

business activities, physical obstacles and the movement and number of people,

motorbikes and bicycles on walkways. In terms of walkway comfort, results were mixed

and even numbers agreed and disagreed about comfort.


Conclusions: These findings provide support for pedestrian awareness of the influence of NMT

design, use and environment on their perception of personal wellbeing, sense of safety, which in

turn indirectly impacts the frequency and type of interaction with socio-economic activities in a

developing country context.


Keywords: Pedestrian, walkways, perceived, safety, mobility, connectivity, personal

wellbeing, comfort, aesthetics, environment, physical infrastructure


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